The London Office

Created by Robert one year ago

There came to be a natural division of duties between us at AKC. Peter's role initially was to back up Denis Carter and then in due course to continue the responsibility advising those clients when Denis was appointed to the House of Lords. Peter never lost that close contact with Denis and for many years viewed his visits to Westminster as a meeting in our London office. When Peter, Andrew and I became the working partners in AKC some 30 years ago, replacing Denis and my father, we found ourselves in good company with easy mutual interest. Peter quickly established himself as an adviser well versed in the quirks of agricultural law always determined to deliver the very best. These were happy times. We admired Peter's optimism and his determination. When he was appointed to a chairmanship in the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants it was no surprise to us that Peter's peers viewed him a leader. No such thing as a stodgy speech when Peter was around; the serious point would be made succinctly and then his shoulders would shake as he brought laughter to the room. Thank you Peter.

Robert Loxton