Although Peter’s official business role was as an agricultural adviser, he was much more than that. He took a deep and personal interest in his clients, who were more like personal friends. He was a strong ally in business, fighting ‘hard but fair’ in their best interests.
Just one of his many attributes was in his insistence, learned from a fellow professional many years previously, that his job was to ensure clients understood what he was trying to explain, and that any failure on the part of the client in not understanding was a failure on him for not being sufficiently clear. This being the case, a client was never regarded as deficient in any way.
People say ‘no-one is irreplaceable’ but in Peter’s case I cannot see anyone thinking that. Whilst ‘life goes on’, Peter will be sorely missed by his family, friends, work colleagues and everyone who knew him. We all at least will carry warm memories of him, and his ability to find the brighter side of life.
From Stuart Whorlow and the Solley Family